Council of Catholic Women

Every Catholic woman is a member of the Council of Catholic Women. Our parish's Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) and the Duluth Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DDCCW). 

As a service organization, our purpose is:

  • To promote the objectives and interests of the National (NCCW), the Duluth Diocese (DDCCW) and the Brainerd Deanery (BDCCW) Councils of Catholic Women.
  • To promote the spiritual, the social and the material needs of the parish and other charitable causes as the needs arise.

Projects and Charities

  • At Immaculate Heart Church and Duluth Diocese
  • Maintain vigil candle stands in the church and chapel.
  • Host the 1st Communion and Confirmation receptions.
  • Prepare and deliver Welcome Bags for new full-time members and send welcome cards to new seasonal members of Immaculate Heart.
  • Perform all kitchen and dining room requirements for funeral luncheons held at the church (according to the family's wishes).
  • Send sympathy and get-well cards to parish members.
  • Hold bake sales to raise funds for our charities (3-5 per year).
  • Hold 5th Sunday of the month breakfasts as fundraisers for our charities.
  • Contribute to the Immaculate Heart Home Mission fund.
  • Contribute to the Seminarians and to the Seminarian Endowment fund.
  • Support our Priests and Deacons with prayers and gifts on birthdays, Christmas and Ordination anniversaries (also when reassigned to another parish or when retired)!
  • Host and/or attend National, Province, Diocesan and Deanery workshops, retreats, and meetings.
  • Volunteer at and support parish events such as "fat Tuesday" (provide the bingo wheel and provide the bingo paper and daubers), Fish Fries, Endowment Dinner (contribute prize money for a game at this event), etc.
  • Sponsor the Baby Bottle fundraiser for the Christ Child Society of Duluth.

Within the Community

  • Host one Blood Drive per year where we provide a lunch
  • Lead the Rosary once a month after the monthly meeting on the second Thursday of the month at Golden Horizons, Crosslake.
  • Volunteer at the MCCL booth at the Crow Wing County Fair.
  • Collect needed items for the Mid-Minnesota Women's Center at our annual Christmas Party.
  • Contribute to the Crosslake Food Shelf in March when contributions are matched.

State, National and International

  • Global Mission: Prepare midwife (birthing) kits which go to the Global Mission Center in Minneapolis for distributions in African Nationals.
  • Prepare hygiene bags for the homeless which we deliver to Sharing and Caring Hands (Mary Joe Copeland) in Minneapolis.
  • In January, we contribute clothing, diapers, and other needed items to Birthright of Crow Wing County.
  • Appalachia Mission Project: This is a NCCW project that provides Christmas packages to almost 400 families each year. This project is in conjunction with St. Michael's Catholic Church in Kentucky. These gifts are delivered via our CCW to the Deanery CCW to the NCCW and on to the deep corners of Appalachia where a little Christmas joy goes a long way.
  • Haiti: Cash donations through Haiti Outreach.
  • Contributions to all of the NCCW projects.
  • Contributions to pro-life organizations.

Items you can contribute:

  • Throughout the year we collect items to fill our projects. Here is a list of items you can drop off in the CCW box in the kiosk.
  • Wash clothes (new or gently used). Needed in both the birthing kits and hygiene bags
  • New or gently used regular sized bath towels
  • Travel size toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion and soap
  • Toothbrushes (individually wrapped)
  • Combs
  • Disposable razors
  • Note pads and pens (note pads can be those you get free in the mail)
  • Decks of cards
  • New or gently used (no stains) flannel and regular sheets
  • Onesies: infant size tee shirts or onesie
  • Newborn hats

We are a very busy organization! Check out the links below for more information. Join us at our next monthly meeting on the second Thursday of the month at 9:15 am. 

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